(Excerpt from “21 Day Prayer Challenge for Passionate Educators”
by Dr. Stephanie A. Harper)
“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”
James 5:16
“And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.”
1 John 5:14-15
Legislation and educational policies have tried to block the answer to all educational issues: prayer. Passionate educators, it is your duty to never stop praying. Your prayers advance beyond time and space. Your prayers are protecting your students from school violence. Your prayers are transforming the mindsets of teachers and educational leaders. Your prayers are sustaining your school. Never stop praying! Your prayers have great power and produce wonderful results!
Abba, Father, you are holy and righteous. Thank you for making me righteous through the powerful blood of Jesus Christ. I am confident that you hear me and encouraged that you will give me what I ask. I pray that which pleases you. Today, I will never stop praying. I will pray as I walk through the halls of the school building. I will pray while I’m teaching in my classroom. I will pray while I’m attending or facilitating staff meetings. I will pray in the cafeteria. I will pray while I’m conferencing with parents. I will pray in my office. I will pray while on bus duty. I will pray continuously because it is powerful and produces wonderful results. Thank you, Father, for transforming the educational system. In Jesus’ name, amen.