(Excerpt from “21 Day Prayer Challenge for Passionate Educators”
by Dr. Stephanie A. Harper)
“Be still and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”
Psalm 46:10
Fire drills, parent conferences, discipline referrals, district level meetings, the flu epidemic, excessive absences of teachers and students, just to name a few, fill our first hours of the day. Then you have standards, assessments, school accountability, lack of school funding, teacher retention - - so many issues come toward you at once, and each requires your attention with great urgency. Amid all the chaos, it is important that passionate educators command their environments and themselves to be still and know God! You can bring yourself and your environment to a point of stillness by you purposely meditating on the Word of God while you are moving throughout your day. By practicing this, you will recognize God’s power and authority over these issues. You will gain the peace and strength to handle each challenge. Remember, God requires your attention, and He will be honored.
Powerful God, you make wars end and bring order to chaos. Today, I release all the concerns and cares of this world of education and give them to you. May my heart remain still in your presence throughout the day. To know you, Father, is my desire. You will be honored in my classroom and school. Thank you for transforming the educational system. In Jesus’ name, amen.